5 definitions by Mow-ree

A new religion where one worships every Friday and Saturday night. Churches have been replaced by clubs, God by Lil Jon, and Jesus by Luda.
Hey T-ray I hear ya just converted to the Dirrty South Church of Crunk. Hows that workin fer ya.

Shit nigga I finally found God and he's livin in ATL
by Mow-ree April 19, 2004
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Verb To give the qualities of a squirrel to.

Verb Make drunk and buck ass wild
Those jager bombs oughta squirrel us up real good
by Mow-ree June 29, 2004
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The empty hollow feeling you get in your head after too much boozing, smoking, or working at Swiss Colony.
Man T dog I gots the cavebrain so bad I can't even think.
by Mow-ree May 13, 2004
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The feeling that one gets on a Friday afternoon in anticipation of weekend shenanigans.
I'm going to have to work my ass on Monday because I got so damn squirrelly on Friday thinking about the kegger that I didn't get anything done.
by Mow-ree January 19, 2006
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The day after a big bender when you're not sure if your still drunk or if you're hungover.
Man Billy bob you really look like shit. You drunkover from last night
by Mow-ree April 21, 2004
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