71 definitions by Moggraider

An exclamation formed by combining "ack" and "pth;" used to express surprise, alarm, disgust, or disgusted alarmed surprise; a scream conjoined with a sputter
1. Ackpth! I'm a dumbass. I forgot my homework.
2. Ackpth! My Xbox 360 stopped working!
3. Ackpth! My phone's gone missing.
by Moggraider July 19, 2009
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A student taking a class on a pass/fail, or satisfactory/unsatisfactory, grading basis. Such a student can get away with putting very little effort into a class.
Yeah, we're all p/fuckers. We're a pocket of incompetence in the back of the classroom.
by Moggraider February 10, 2010
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A psychologist or psychiatrist, esp. one tasked with psychological evaluations.
Here's a file on Dr. Manhattan. Let's see what the corporate headpeepers say.
by Moggraider July 24, 2009
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The new, more genuine, folksier alternative to a teleprompter. Consists of writing notes on the palm of your hand, then consulting them while delivering a speech on national television.
"The telepalmer? I think she did it on purpose. I think she did it on purpose, yeah. Because it’s the exact opposite of reading off the teleprompter with a script written for you with every word in a sentence. Here she’s just taking crib notes on her hand. It makes her look like she can just talk off the cuff and she just jotted down a few couple notes before she went out to give a big long speech."
by Moggraider February 9, 2010
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Abbreviation for "If I Understand Correctly."
IIUC, these telemarketers are not supposed to be bugging me, because I signed up for the Do Not Call list.
by Moggraider July 2, 2008
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An opportunity for product placement in a mass media production.
Corporate sponsors of TV shows force their products into the show all the time, exploiting every possible advertunity.
by Moggraider August 2, 2009
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What mama bird regurgitates into baby bird's mouth.
Mama bird retweeted her offspring's sustenance directly into their snapping beaks.
by Moggraider February 13, 2011
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