30 definitions by Mitchell
The definition of a lady's man. A popular pimp and friendly, laid back fellow. Also called Ion, Fizz, Fizzle, or Fizzpop
by Mitchell June 20, 2004
after sitting for a short or long period of time then standing up will most likey get you a head rush, a rush of very extreme dizzyness.
by Mitchell July 10, 2005
by Mitchell January 27, 2005
Cherry Hill, well it is a place where litte bratty jews cry to their daddy's when they got the lexus couple instead of the benz. Everyone is trying to be someone the obviously are not, like white people always try to be black and fail horribly mostly becuase they are white. All the chicks are slutty whores, but wear so much makeup its amzing it all fits on their ugly big-nosed faces. Cherry Hill is alright, it is just the "cherry hillers" that fucking suck.
Fuck you daddy, the lexus is so ugly. I told you i want the benz you cheap piece of shit. I HATE YOU!
by Mitchell April 5, 2005
a run down area of the city.
every one who lives in winnipeg knows that gordon bell school is ghetto.
every one who lives in winnipeg knows that gordon bell school is ghetto.
by Mitchell March 29, 2005
1) 3-11's k being the eleventh letter in the alphabet = KKK, Ku Klux Klan, a bunch of racist assholes.
2) a band.
2) a band.
someone should kill all those fuckers.
im white myself, i wouldnt mind if a bunch of black people started their own clan against those hick bastards.
im white myself, i wouldnt mind if a bunch of black people started their own clan against those hick bastards.
by Mitchell June 17, 2005