by Dev321 July 15, 2006
A fucking chickenshit facist. Believes the government should interfere with every aspect of every citizen's personal lives in order to shape the Country to relfect his-and only his-personal views, which would basically mean making it mandatory for all U.S. citizens to become practicing Christians. Was also the first major name in the 2012 Presidential Campaign to propose a ban on Porn-which the Supreme Court would've obviously declared unconstitutional (unless he appointed only his fellow Conservative Bible thumpers).
by GaaraoftheDamned November 27, 2012
by politiTRUTH January 16, 2012
To remove santorum orally.
From rick: (verb) to lick, suck, or draw something with the mouth + santorium: (noun) the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.
From rick: (verb) to lick, suck, or draw something with the mouth + santorium: (noun) the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.
One way to keep the sheets cleaner after anal sex is to rick santorum. My boyfriend usually ricks the santorum after he sodomizes me.
by nikkiru-s January 8, 2012
I hope the door to the capitol building doesn't hit Rick Santorum too hard in the ass on his way out. Oh wait, yeah I do!
by moustacherocker November 9, 2006
One who is extremely strange, eccentric, fantastic, weird, or insane. See also kook, fruitcake, crackpot, nutcase or screwball.
by Ploxhoi December 30, 2011
After intercourse, the man wipes his member covered in Santorum with his hand and asks "What did the hand say to the face?" Before his partner can reply, he smacks them across the face with his Santorum-covered hand.
I promptly wiped my cock after fucking my girl friend in the ass and asked in a sweet tone "What did the hand say to the face?" and quickly slapped her before she could answer.
I'm Rick Santorum bitch!
I'm Rick Santorum bitch!
by Rick-James January 8, 2012