15 definitions by Mindy


one who feels the need to hug anyone and everyone they see
man, i wish she would quit hugging me all the time. what a hugslut!!
by Mindy December 10, 2003
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dingle berry

When a piece of crap in the shape of a ball hangs from the ass of a cow.
by Mindy June 6, 2003
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Penis, dick, junk, luvtool, cock, etc.
Billy tells everyone his peebobber is big, but I've seen it...he needs glasses.
by Mindy February 13, 2005
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ratchet ass

Ignorant individual, dumb ass, dipshit, etc.
You're a real ratchet ass!
by Mindy February 13, 2005
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Jessica may be attractive, Ed, but she's a lapper!
by Mindy June 6, 2003
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the balding part on top of a guys head...the balding part looks like a g-d damn cul-de-sac on a dead end street
The guy with the cul-de-sac is such a tool
by Mindy November 29, 2004
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Sam Fogarino

Amazing drummer from the band Interpol. Joined in year 2000 to replace original drummer, Greg.

Also makes his own pasta.
by Mindy February 25, 2005
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