15 definitions by Minderbinder

Number 45 refers to the 45th President of the United States of America and who shall remain nameless for the the purposes of this definition. He is an ugly, corrupt, racist bastard who belongs in prison.
Journalist 1: Oh Christ, I'm not going to have a good day today.
Journalist 2: Why?
Journalist 1: My editor's just told me I have to go to the Whitehouse because Number 45 is giving a press conference.
Journalist 2: Whoa, that's some heavy shit right there. Good luck, dude.
by Minderbinder October 21, 2020
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UK government minister and the very definition of a mad cow. Anti-abortionist.
Hates the BBC. Third-rate novelist. Thinks Boris Johnson is a living God. If you see her in public and unrestrained, someone has obviously left the cage door open.
I watched an interview with Nadine Dorries on television and my brain is now trying to strangle me by way of revenge.
by Minderbinder February 5, 2022
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A load of drivel dreamt up and defined by well-meaning, but politically and geographically illiterate morons who hate the West. The fact that the so-called Global South includes the People's Republic of China, which has the second largest economy in the world, illustrates the stupidity and vacuousness of such a concept.
The USA, the UK and the EU are considered part of the Global North and the People's Republic of China is considered part of the Global South.
by Minderbinder October 7, 2023
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The nickname for the Provisional Irish Republican Army. A group of murderous thugs who were willing to kill innocent civilians in support of their cause of achieving a united Ireland.
The Provos detonated bombs in Warrington, England in March 1993 that killed 3 year old Johnathan Ball and 12 year old Tim Parry.
by Minderbinder October 27, 2022
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A god in mortal form, untouchable, the best guitarist ever.
Jimi Hendrix was the most talented and skilled guitarist in history or the future.

I don't believe in God, but I do believe in Jimi Hendrix.
by Minderbinder February 29, 2020
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a loudmouth blowhard who can't hold it in.
Priest (after two hours in a confessional): Is that the end of your confession, my son?

Average Glaswegian male: Urr ye kiddin', faither? Uv no even started yet! I wis just talkin' aboot the fitba'!
by Minderbinder February 18, 2011
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English football player who earned eighty caps playing for the England national football team and scored 330 goals in his career as a professional footballer. Advertised Walker's crisps after retiring from

professional football. Also became a presenter on BBC's Match Of The Day. English folk hero and defender of human rights.
Gary Lineker used to play professional football for Leicester, Everton and England before going on to work for the BBC as a sports presenter. He also criticised government policy on immigration, which was widely seen as being inhumane and unworkable.
by Minderbinder March 12, 2023
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