194 definitions by Mind Hunter the Profiler

impossible beef — A fight between two vegans is called an “impossible beef”; it named after the vegan meat product that looks and tastes like “real beef” (to people not familiar with the taste of a good cut of beef, that is.)

The problem arises in the age of political correctness and cancel culture when it is considered a micro-aggression to say that two vegans; or, two vegetarians are “beefing’” when they are involved in an argument. Since vegetarians and vegans were offended by the terms “beef” “beefin’”, beefing, or it’s variants, it begged the question:

What is it called when two vegans argue?

Thank SCIENCE for both the COVID-19 vaccine and the answer to this cultural riddle. When non-meat eaters are fighting it’s called IMPOSSIBLE BEEFING.

Yoga class was a drag today. Two of the cutest women in my class were having an impossible beef; and, I couldn’t ask either of them out for herb tea and Goji Berries. BUMMER!!!!!! It’s hard being a S.N.A.G. (sensitive new age guy).
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 28, 2023
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This mistaken humanistic view of reality is quite like the story of The Frog and the Scorpion — BUT FOR REAL!!!!!

The mistaken belief that a one’s love and understanding can change another person’s personality and character. A person who has demonstrably driven several people crazy while in tempestuous toxic relationships. A more contemporary approach to relationships and relating that ignores traditional conventional wisdoms like:

*** Once a cheater always a cheater.
*** you can’t turn a whore into a house wife.
*** Peter Pan will never grow up.
*** People do not change.
*** If they will do it with you; they will do it to you.
*** If they mistreat a waiter or waitress they will mistreat you.

Ignoring the wisdom and experience of an entire culture, the optimistic lover proclaims: “I can fix him/her/them”.

Understanding that this is the 21st century, this statement has been updated to include the possibility of chosen pronouns.
1) How many women have entered into extramarital relationships with Herschel Walker thinking, “I can fix him”?
2) How many men have entered into a relationship with one of the Kardashian women thinking, “I can fix her”?
3) How many women have entered into a relationship with Ellen DeGenerous thinking, “I can fix them”?
4) My powers of love and understanding or so strong that I can fix her/him/them.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler November 16, 2022
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Frying Nemo — A PARENT’S REVENGE!!!!!

If you have children in your life; then you understand that once they love a Pixar or Disney movie, you will end up watching that movie 1,000,000 times.


So to gently persuade the children to watch another movie; or. to perhaps go outside and play; you might try cooking fish sticks or fish fillets after they watch Finding Nemo ONE TOO MANY MOTHERFUCKING TIMES!!!!!!!!!

And for the sake of argument you might call dinner: “Frying Nemo”. You know, to insert a psychological pry bar into their little heads.

If you watch children’s movies closely — which you ultimately end up doing whether you want it or not — you will see that there is always a wonderful darkness that can be exploited and projected at the child to separate their psyche from an over played movie.

You got to get them to:

…Let it go, let it go
Can't stand this movie anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn is off or I’ll slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Turn that movie off and the ballgame on
Tears don’t bother me anyway
LET IT GO!!!!!!!!

Now I feel better!!!!
…and kids, after we watch Finding Nemo FOR THE 1,000,000th time we can have fish fillet and fish sticks for dinner. Hey, I have an idea Let’s call dinner: Frying Nemo!!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 24, 2023
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White, Male, Christian, and Anti-war — the new way of saying “free white and 21” and “boys will be boys.

This new coinage is attributed to Marjorie Taylor Greene who was describing the antics of 21 year old Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira. Greene, in fact, praised Teixeira as a hero of the MAGA cause in the tradition of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Teixeira illegally obtained classified and top secret documents and leaked them onto the internet via the Discord chat app.

Well…boys will be boys; and, he was free White and 21 after all. He was just sewing his wild oats while committing both treason and espionage for Jesus.

Green’s coinage has, at its core, the implication that White, male, Christians, who are against financial and military support for Ukraine are an oppressed and endangered group of Americans.

Linguistically, this is another example of new boutique terminology to describe old social and political power dynamics; and the comfortable resurgence of traditional forms of American ignorance which has recently been termed Christian Nationalism.
Jack Teixeira Is White, Male, Christian, and Anti-war; he’s a hero! And, he definitely shouldn’t be prosecuted for illegally obtaining classified and top secret documents; leaking them onto the internet; and, committing acts of both treason and espionage.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 16, 2023
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algorithmic critical mass — the Urban Dictionary principle that states: the more words you enter into the Urban Dictionary, the easier it is to add words to the Urban Dictionary.

This is especially true if you make the words you add refer to your previous words based on known linguistic principles. In this way the algorithm reflects aspects of your mind; and your mind becomes one with the algorithm as well.

There is something more frightening than artificial intelligence and that is computer intelligence that merges with the mind of humankind.

What happens when infinite computing power merges with the full potential of the brain. I don’t know because I waste my mind on adding Urban Dictionary entries instead of contemplating more weighty problems.

But you have got to admit that that is an awesome Afrofuturistic observation.
If you add enough word to the Urban Dictionary you will reach an algorithmic critical mass where the algorithm will reflect your mind; and, your mind will reflect the algorithm.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 7, 2023
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A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou — hold the bread! — Lovers who have their priorities exactly right. At a certain point all we have are the memories we create together. You don’t need much else.

“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou — hold the bread!” just means: In this moment all I need is you and maybe a little wine might be nice too. But, if I have “you” I might not even need the wine either.

“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou.”


A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou — hold the bread! And if there’s no wine, all I need in this moment is you.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 22, 2023
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Stupid is transiting everything — The best answer to anyone who wants YOU to read their astrological chart; Tarot Cards, I Ching ; palm; or use any form of divination to tell them about THEIR future.

Stupid is transiting everything!!!!!

How can you ask about yourself WHEN THE WORLD IS ON FIRE!!!!!!??????

This is actually based on mystical law of hierarchy.

If the sun of your solar system goes nova; then, it really doesn’t matter if you have had a good reading, does it?

If the earth is hit by a giant asteroid; then whatever “good Karma” you have is overridden by the earths destiny.

“Stupid transiting everything” is not a sun going nova; or, an asteroid striking the earth; but, it is a tragic miasma that overshadows everything — especially approaches to problem solving.

This renders forms of symbolic thinking — ancient or modern — useless! Emotional and tribal behavior currently reign supreme; and, discourse has degenerated to slogans and word salads.

Read an astrological chart and when you are done slap a big sticker on it that says: Stupid is transiting everything!

Do a Tarot spread and when you are done, cover the reading with a card that says: Stupid is transiting everything!

Throw the I Ching — read the hexagrams and then immediately say the next hexagram arising means: Stupid is transiting everything.

Look at the lines on a palm and announce: Stupid is transiting everything.

You can’t go wrong with this reading in America 2023.

You have asked me to look at your chart and tell you any obstacles I see that will obstruct your attainment of your noble goals. I have looked at the position of your Saturn, your Mars, and their relationship to your sun and my conclusion is: Stupid is transiting everything.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 19, 2023
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