194 definitions by Mind Hunter the Profiler


Since the advent of MAGA, Americans have gotten waaaaaaaaaay to comfortable with saying “the quiet part out loud”. It’s hard to get one’s head around the idea that the base of the Republican Party represents what has been called “Right Wing Christian Nationalism” as part of a worldwide reaction to a demographically changing world.

A recent example: When Lauri Carleton’s Pride flag got torn down, she always replaced it with a bigger one. Then someone killed her over it.


For flying a flag.

In America.

Just a single example to be illustrative but not exhaustive. Urban Dictionary has a word/character count and I can’t possibly innumerate even just all of the most recent examples.

In order to make America great againMAGA; apparently, you first have to make America hate again — MAHA!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler August 24, 2023
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I’d give my left nut to… — one of the larger hyperbolic lies men tell to express an acquisitive faux passion.

I don’t know any men who would actually give up their left nut for any reason! But, I and a lot of men I know have said this at least once in our lifetime — usually expressing a desire in an arena where loosing a nut would be counter productive.

Well…no one ever said hyperbole was logical.

Any why the left nut?

Is the right nut biologically more powerful; do testicles work like kidneys where one is more dominant?

Most poetic expression falls apart when subjected to even a little scrutiny.

So no — we would not REALLY give up our left nut. That’s just some hyperbolic shit to say!!!!
The expression “ I’d give my left nut to…” used in a context to illustrate its usage:

I’d give my left nut to to have sex with Sydnee Sweeny and give her brumski .
by Mind Hunter the Profiler May 30, 2023
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Vivek Ramaswamy — A.K.A. Big Pharma IB Bro; Investment Banker Bro; Tandoori Trump; Poison Ivy League Pundit; and Conspiracy Curry Man by Conservative Christian Nationalists.

As conspiracy oriented and conservative as he is, he is still not White enough and Christian enough for the Conservative Christian Nationalist championing Donald Trump’s MAGA/MAHA Political Party.

Many think he is running to be Trump’s Vice-Presidential running partner — a kind of Demi-Indian Yang to Kāmāla Harris Demi-Indian yin. But, this is ridiculous because because the thinking processes among rank and file MAGA/MAHA members are not that subtle.

His name in most Indian Languages means “The Self-possessed Discriminative One Filled with the Adoration of Lord Rāmā.”

Indian Languages are meaning dense because of the long history of Indo-European culture and tradition. The actual cultural meaning of his name cannot endear him to Conservative Christian Nationals who would rather his name be something like: Mathew Luke-John Markwhiteman — which would be the western cultural equivalent of his name if Christian values were enshrined in his moniker.

Is America ready for flat breads and Basmati rice!!!!!!!????????

Vote for Vivek Ramaswamy, the Tandoori Trump. Pharma Bro Pharma Bro he’s our man; if he can’t do it NO ONE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s turn the American melting pot into a Tandoori Oven!!!!!
Vote for Vivek Ramaswamy, the Tandoori Trump. Pharma Bro Pharma Bro he’s our man; if he can’t do it NO ONE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s turen the American melting pot into a Tandoori Oven!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler August 26, 2023
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A expression one can either yell or speak with a quiet dignity to comrades when advancing towards almost certain death. This saying moved from insider military slang into popular consciousness through Hollywood’s portrayal of Vietnam era battles that foreground moments of suicidal bravado.
Gentlemen, we are outnumbered and almost out of ammo; It’s going to go hand to hand. It’s been a pleasure serving with you; and: it’s been a hell of a war!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler November 12, 2022
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fauxitus — Penetrative sex using a harness and a phallic simulacrum of some type to stimulate the G-spot in women; or, the prostate in men. Some enjoy the experience of dilation using stimulators of graduating sizes and lengths.

Some people prefer to assert freedom from the penis shape by using a stimulator in the harness that is shaped like a sperm whale, a dolphin, or even an alien ovipositor complete with implantable eggs.

Whatever is chosen, this isn’t an act designed for either a quickie; or, a lack of commitment to the experience.

This is a very “overly specific” act to perform.
Coitus, fauxitus — it’s the 21st century; what’s a little penetrative sex between friends or lovers? Especially overly specific penetrative sex!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 1, 2023
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algorithmic critical mass — the Urban Dictionary principle that states: the more words you enter into the Urban Dictionary, the easier it is to add words to the Urban Dictionary.

This is especially true if you make the words you add refer to your previous words based on known linguistic principles. In this way the algorithm reflects aspects of your mind; and your mind becomes one with the algorithm as well.

There is something more frightening than artificial intelligence and that is computer intelligence that merges with the mind of humankind.

What happens when infinite computing power merges with the full potential of the brain. I don’t know because I waste my mind on adding Urban Dictionary entries instead of contemplating more weighty problems.

But you have got to admit that that is an awesome Afrofuturistic observation.
If you add enough word to the Urban Dictionary you will reach an algorithmic critical mass where the algorithm will reflect your mind; and, your mind will reflect the algorithm.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 7, 2023
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A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou — hold the bread! — Lovers who have their priorities exactly right. At a certain point all we have are the memories we create together. You don’t need much else.

“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou — hold the bread!” just means: In this moment all I need is you and maybe a little wine might be nice too. But, if I have “you” I might not even need the wine either.

“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou.”


A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou — hold the bread! And if there’s no wine, all I need in this moment is you.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 22, 2023
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