15 definitions by Milkwasabadchoice

To Ron Burgundy, an inappropriate substance to be drinking in hot weather. It also has a high level of calcium.
Ron: Milk was a bad choice!
by Milkwasabadchoice August 18, 2006
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n. The best movie ever
v. To be the best movie ever
You know what? That movie was almost a Moulin Rouge.
by Milkwasabadchoice October 18, 2006
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1. The character who messes up EVERYTHING for Satine and Christian in Moulin Rouge.
2. A disgusting, selfish, crazy pervert
3. A person whose name is never revealed
"The Duke! HIDE!"

"Everyone knows. Harold knows. And sooner or later the Duke will find out too."
by Milkwasabadchoice October 18, 2006
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1. To be a whore
2. To be talentless and almost utterly useless to society
3. Aids in keeping the US economy up in tabloid sales
Paris Hilton: I'm amazing and talented.

Note to self: Mark on calendar when this happens.
by Milkwasabadchoice August 17, 2006
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An Australian multi-talented actress who exudes much more class and elegance than most people in Hollywood. Can sing and dance as shown in Moulin Rouge and the duet with Robbie Williams, "Somethin' Stupid".
I believe that as much as you take, you have to give back. It's important not to focus on yourself too much.”
—Nicole Kidman
by Milkwasabadchoice August 18, 2006
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a term used to describe the telephone booth in which Ron Burgundy is encased in after the assumed death of his spanish-speaking dog, Baxter.
'glass case of emotion': classic Ron
by Milkwasabadchoice August 18, 2006
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The preferred drink of choice by Ron Burgundy, who often consumes it and sings his undying love for it. Ron deeply regrets having milk one day on the streets of San Diego instead of the love of his life.
Ron: I love scotch! Scotchy scotch scotch!
by Milkwasabadchoice August 18, 2006
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