56 definitions by Michael_Hunt

January 20,2009 the last day of the Bush presidency
January 20,2009 marks the last day of the presidency of George W Bush, an end of an error.
by Michael_Hunt November 10, 2008
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Chick McGee is a great sports reporter and is also a very funny comedian.
by Michael_Hunt June 29, 2008
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alzheimers or similiar old age demetia, named for Ronald Reagan who suffered from this disorder
My mom works at a nursing home and takes care of people with Reaganitis.
by Michael_Hunt May 26, 2008
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when corrupt politicians abuse eminent domain powers to seize property for greedy corporate developers
Back in the late 80's George W Bush was part owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team. He used his dads political connections to land-jack several properties and build a new ballpark all at tax-payer expense. Bush made about $15 million dollars in profit from this.
by Michael_Hunt June 15, 2008
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a term some fuckwit bushnesiac republitards use to discribe the Bush Depression
The Bush Administration slashed taxes for the wealthy while spending massive amounts of money on the bush war in Iraq, which created huge budget deficits. This along with deregulation of business caused a collapse of the financial sector and the worst economy since the Great Depression. Since Obama will be the one that has to clean up this mess Bushies call it the Obama Depression.
by Michael_Hunt July 25, 2009
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When somebody writes a response to graffitti that is already on restroom wall
I used the restroom at a truckstop and somebody had written on the inside of the stall "Bush's head is so far up his ass that his sphinctor is wrapped around his neck and is cutting off oxygen to his brain". Underneath that I wrote "what brain?". This is an example of conversational graffitti.
by Michael_Hunt May 18, 2008
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acronym for "tin can on wheels" an econobox any small fuel efficient car
I hate driving a t-cow because it's so cramp inside but at least I get good gas mileage.
by Michael_Hunt May 26, 2008
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