287 definitions by Michael

(n) The source of life. The giver.
(v) To proginate. To create all beauty.
You'd be more amicable if you would get over your delorimier-complex.
by Michael January 15, 2005
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A lady or man whore who puts it about more than the average ...

Also can be used as a greeting.
Walking into a room, spotting the whore, and saying "Alrite red'ot!"
by Michael February 25, 2005
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The art of being a complete dumbass while being ignorant of the fact that you are a dumbass.
I can't believe what Kenny just did, what a fagor!
by Michael September 25, 2003
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2pac - the greatest rapper ever he is without doubt the best black spkesman in history he was a great man he cared for people while maintaining his thug image released many great albums and did many good films wrote great poems and he did not think every white person was a racist he is a great in the hip hop and acting world he is number 1
by Michael May 15, 2003
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Slurred variation on the rap phase "acheetta chong"
rapper: Uda bock shint and acheetta chong...

big-tongued rapper: nwewewewe and ashwishta shwong...
by Michael April 12, 2004
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