8 definitions by Mic Dundee

n. 1. genetically modified orgasm. 2. to have a fake orgasm.
"I just found out my girlfriend has been GMOing on me."

"Jenna Jameson is the queen of GMOing."
by Mic Dundee June 24, 2007
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noun, a hamburger made from a genetically engineered animal
"Mcdonalds serves cloneburgers"
by Mic Dundee June 24, 2007
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n. masturbation, esp. female masturbation.

origin: from the Bible character Onam. Onami is used in Japan.
"Did you see that onami video online with Paris Hilton?"
by Mic Dundee June 24, 2007
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adj. being very greedy and taking advantage of people any way possible; selfish
"Dude don't share a meal with Dave. He's totally McGreedy; he'll eat all the food."
by Mic Dundee June 24, 2007
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"Crap, there's my ex. I'm going to have to crunch out before this gets nasty."
by Mic Dundee June 24, 2007
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A person is rewarded monkey points when thehttp://www.urbandictionary.com/add.phpy hit a monkey
Katelyn got monkey points when she hit Diddy Kong in the head.
by Mic Dundee September 6, 2008
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