11 definitions by MetaPaladin

A mispronunciation of "Zerg", a race in Starcraft. Usually used by either:

1. Idiots who can't spell
2. People mocking others who fit example 1
OMFG Karigan is a zargs!!!1!
by MetaPaladin October 31, 2003
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That song by Gorillaz. You know, the one that keeps talking about the future coming on.
by MetaPaladin December 4, 2003
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Term used by Linux or Mac zealots who think their operating system is godly, when they don't realize that every operating system has its flaws. Sure, Windows has the occasional crash or security problem, but they fix it.
I use Windows because I actually want my computer to be compatible with a few games. Oh, and my Windows XP computer hasn't crashed for almost a year now.
by MetaPaladin November 24, 2003
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In Unreal Tournament, getting 5 frags in a row without dying.
You killed pwnage_r0xx0r
Killing Spree!!!
by MetaPaladin November 2, 2003
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Character from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. A young girl with exceptional fighting abilities. Fights in search of her brother, who she believes is Gato. Oh, and her Ten-Shou Ran-Ki super looks like she's orgasming on her opponent.
Hotaru's Ten-Shou Ran-Ki is a hit with all my friends that play this game.
by MetaPaladin December 7, 2003
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Capture the Flag, a gametype found in several FPS games, where opposing teams try to take a flag located within their enemy's base and carry it back to their own to score.
I won the CTF match by 2 points.
by MetaPaladin October 31, 2003
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Enter the following code at the Options Screen....

A - B - C - C - B - A

Then when you fight the fighters will bleed
by MetaPaladin November 3, 2003
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