11 definitions by Matty Boy

when ur cuddling ur girl and her hair gets all in your mouth, and you make a silly face and splutter like a cat.
i was lying in bed with suzie when her hair went in my mouth, it gave me a really bad catmouth
by Matty Boy November 30, 2004
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If you are especially pleased by something (be it a person, object or event) you may exclaim 'double dice!'

Similar to dice only more so.
Woman: "I would like to take a toot on your trouser trumpet"
Man: "Double Dice!!"
by Matty Boy October 7, 2004
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A threat, and a very serious one at that. If somebody threatens to spin the wheel on you beware! The wheel is a devastating haymaker type punch that may very well take your head off.
However, due to the severity of 'the wheel' it is very rarely spun. 'Spinning the wheel' is no joking matter.
Sometimes called 'the wheel of justice'
One man may say to another who has wrongly cast doubts over his sexuality: "if you don't take that back I am going to spin the wheel"
by Matty Boy October 7, 2004
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"Christina Aguilera was hospitalised during her sell out concert last night. Only 27 seconds into her hit-single 'Dirty', she gwanked herself unconscious over a picture of Madonna."
by Matty Boy March 9, 2004
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A word to be shouted whenever you feel like it for no reason whatsoever.
"I am going for a tomtit. SHABBA!"
by Matty Boy October 11, 2004
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When one puts an item of clothing, eg a T-Shirt, over ones stomach to catch any stray spoog when knocking one out.
My girlfriend didn't suspect a thing until she found my used Jizz bib under the sofa. She had to tear it off the upholstery.
by Matty Boy March 9, 2004
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Spoog, spode, spunk, cum, male ejaculate.
"If you don't have any creme fraiche, boy batter does basically the same job."
Jamie Oliver - 'The Naked Chef'.
by Matty Boy March 10, 2004
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