14 definitions by Matt I

Utah is a great red state in which to try out the Bomb.
by Matt I April 22, 2005
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I don't have much work to do, but I still want a snow day!
by Matt I January 23, 2005
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REALLY bad governor of New Jersey, one of our worse in recent years (trust me, I live here) who puts his gay lover in charge of state security and otherwise screws up the state.
Don't hat him because he is gay, hate him because he sucks!
by Matt I September 11, 2004
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When a girl asks a guy out instead of the other way around. Can be very disconcerting.
Whoa, she totally puled a power move on me last night.
by Matt I April 25, 2005
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Person A: Is Garrett dum?
Me: Dah.
by Matt I September 12, 2004
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A candidate in a campaign whose chances of winning are near zero but still may garner enough votes as to cause the loss of one of the leading candidates.
Ralph Nader was a spoiler in the 2000 elections, he took votes from Al Gore.
by Matt I July 22, 2005
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What I do to scare people. Created by putting one's tongue slightly out of the mouth then pulling back and lowering your bottom lip. Sounds vaguely sexual.
by Matt I September 10, 2004
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