141 definitions by Mandingoe

prepare to be physically humiliated

a command given during fraternity initiations, military hazing, or B/D(which are really not that different) to the pledge/plebe/gimp
Mistress is very displeased with you tonight Donald.

Oh Mistress, I'd do anything to please you.

Of course you will Rummy. Your punishment is 25 lashings. Assume the position!
by Mandingoe May 26, 2004
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a primary sore or ulcer at the site of entry of a pathogen; the initial lesion of syphilis
also spelled chancre
Ewwww! You've got shankers on yer johnson!
by Mandingoe July 17, 2003
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1. v. {Origin uncertain, but likely from the Spanish aguantar, to bear, endure, put up with + the colloquial no mo', no more} to be unable to bear; to find unacceptable, to refuse to endure for even one second longer.

2. n. {Origin uncertain, but in common use in Arabic-, Pashto-, and Urdu-speaking regions} a. a purgatory. An intermediate floor of hell. b. the mythical final place of confinement of the W and his court, immediately following the Great Upheaval but prior to the Grand Awakening and the Glorious Final Making Amends and Mellowing the Fuck Out Forever After of that nation.

3. n. a vast butterfly-and-wildflower preserve on the Caribbean island of Cuba.

alternate contraction: gitmo
Dick Cheney spent the last years of his life in an outdoor cell in the blazing sun of Guantanamo Bay being forced to listen to "Midnight at the Oasis" nonstop at high decibels. Like most chicken hawks, he didn't last long.
by Mandingoe August 9, 2004
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After spending a long night with him, she felt scrumptious. I've never been spunkier, she thought.
by Mandingoe May 29, 2004
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some thing that falls fast
The number of teams with a chance of making it to the playoffs is dropping like a dotcom stock.

Variant: dropping like stock in Enron
by Mandingoe June 16, 2004
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peaved; mildly annoyed and mildly effeminate

annoyance ranking:
* pissed off
* tit in a wringer
* ticked off
* undies in a bundle
* miffed

Frankly Biff, I'm becoming a little miffed by your frequent absences.
by Mandingoe October 10, 2005
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a sexual fetish that was previously considered perverse but is now commonplace
Bondage and foot fetishes are standard deviations
by Mandingoe September 24, 2004
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