8 definitions by Mancave Movie Madness

Someone who talks on their cell phone while dropping a stink pickle in the can. This could be a male or female.
I could hear her Deuce Dialing someone when I went in the bathroom at work. Can you hear me now?...plop.
by Mancave Movie Madness February 12, 2020
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When a girl refuses to kiss you after you eat her pussy, regardless of what other nasty places your mouth has been that night. She might kiss you after you ate fish, smoked, or threw up, but never after you have dined on the Big Montana. This flavor choice raises serious questions about her personal hygiene.
After I go down on her, my girlfriend has brand awareness.
by Mancave Movie Madness May 29, 2017
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A sexually transmitted disease causing boils on your penis that you get from buttfucking a fat hooker while watching Harry Potter.
I can't believe that hooker gave me Hogwarts!
by Mancave Movie Madness May 30, 2017
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Perfect nickname for your wife or girlfriend that is trying to speak while you are choke-fucking her during a Harry Potter movie.
Sorry Moaning Myrtle, but I can’t understand a single word you are saying.
by Mancave Movie Madness May 30, 2017
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Using the top of a girl’s head as a table to set things on while she’s blowing you. This is perfect for when you need a convenient place to set snacks, drinks, or even the remote control.
My Fellation coffee table is a perfect place to set my laptop while I watch tv.
by Mancave Movie Madness May 29, 2017
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The same space or room meant to be a male retreat as a normal man cave, but clearly designed by the female in the relationship to entertain "their" friends. What was originally intended to be a dude sanctuary, has now been turned into another formal room where no fun or masculinity can be found. This space might include a big screen tv or bar, but absolutely no items or memorabilia of any sports team, rock band, movie, superhero, or car. This man has been completely neutered.
My buddy took me on a tour of his man cave, but his wife turned it into a she-man cave.
by Mancave Movie Madness May 27, 2017
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Similar to a “playdate”, only with all guys. This shameful act can be observed in a suburban neighborhood when husbands all meet on one neighbors swing-set accompanied by their children to hang out and speak amongst themselves. Most likely each of them have been sent out of their homes with their kids inbound because their overworked stay-at-home mommy wives needed some “me time” to recover from the harsh reality of their disappointing happily-ever-after’s. Of course, topics of discussion between these pussy-whooped, sad excuses for men would never include anything like: sports, movies, music, tits, cars, or anything else normal men talk about….and worst of all, no alcoholic beverages are consumed by any of them. Anyone involved in this act can only count the minutes until Monday morning comes, and they are able to return to their comfy cubicles so that they can work 10 hours a day in the corporate prison that offers the only escape from serving the lifetime sentence from their marriage.
Wow, it looks like all the neighbors are having a gay date again in their backyard. Lame!
by Mancave Movie Madness May 27, 2017
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