53 definitions by MOO

1. A massive group of people who all follow the EXACT same set of beleifs without having to think about them. In fact questioning God is bad and sends you to a land of eternal suffering.

2. A simple system that breeds laws into people so that they realize the only way to salvation, is to give the church money.
Religion is the fasionable substitute for beleif. --Oskar Wilde

Also see: Sexual abuse
by MOO May 25, 2003
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Japanese word for meaning "your house".
Another person's house.
"Watashitachi wa otaku ni ikimasu."
by MOO November 2, 2004
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To be elite at everything.
OMG you were totally slidey!
by MOO March 13, 2003
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a homosexual man.. also interracts with necrophelia
look at him go.. wot a russty
by MOO March 19, 2003
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An introduction or exclaimation
by MOO March 13, 2003
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How kebab should be pronounced
"Break yoself give me sum KEBUB now biatch"
by MOO December 6, 2003
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