77 definitions by MM132
To be a Jasper is to say that you will move on from someone stalking you online only to occassionally bring up your stalker even in vaguepost form to try and get it off your chest, say you'll move on again only to repeat the same cycle over and over whether it be on Twitter or other social media outlets and to act like a hypocrite when others don't like your opinion.
He is being such a Jasper.
by MM132 January 31, 2024
To be a Jasper is to be someone who blocks other people on social media solely just because they vilified you and your friends and to overreact to said vilification and think that it's 'creepy' while also stating that the person who vilified you shouldn't contact you or your friends ever again.
by MM132 March 21, 2021
A bad attempt at trolling in which said troll masks said insults as a "critique" of their victims work.
Often the person rants on about little details that the author could have easily fixed on their own and going on about how the characters in said author's story is a Mary Sue even when they have little to no Mary Sue traits at all.
And on occassion rarely fixes their own grammar, never uses capital letters or any form of punctuation mark whatsover.
Also claims that the victim is the one that needs to use a dictionary when he/she is the one that needs it more than the victim.
Often the person rants on about little details that the author could have easily fixed on their own and going on about how the characters in said author's story is a Mary Sue even when they have little to no Mary Sue traits at all.
And on occassion rarely fixes their own grammar, never uses capital letters or any form of punctuation mark whatsover.
Also claims that the victim is the one that needs to use a dictionary when he/she is the one that needs it more than the victim.
by MM132 September 6, 2012
A racist term applied to people who have werecreatures as OCs by people who only know them for said OCs, specifically they may address them as 'werejoshpeck' or 'werejohncandy' and don't know that said characters aren't even real.
She used The Were-Word again.
by MM132 September 6, 2019
A retarded fan of the crappy website Combusting Herpes, but to a more extreme length, in which they try to convince people who hate the site to spend more than 5 seconds on it and claim that the site is funny and provides social commentary followed by calling that person out on their supposed stupidity even though they are the ones making complete assess out of themselves.
They often claim that the person they're insulting is butthurt when they're actually more butthurt then the person they are insulting.
Sometimes they are similar to Twitards in the way that they act.
They often claim that the person they're insulting is butthurt when they're actually more butthurt then the person they are insulting.
Sometimes they are similar to Twitards in the way that they act.
"Combusting Herpes is teh shit."
"No it isn't."
"Waaaaaaaa, Nathan doesn't like Combusting Herpes! Waaaaaaa!"
"Yeeesh - what a Combusting Fantard."
"No it isn't."
"Waaaaaaaa, Nathan doesn't like Combusting Herpes! Waaaaaaa!"
"Yeeesh - what a Combusting Fantard."
by MM132 January 6, 2013
When a character in an online roleplay session is forced to be in a relationship as part of god-modding on the other character's half and not willingly, the character in general may claim that it is willing but it comes across as more like Stockholm Syndrome.
'Dylan and Brandon are not a couple in the RP, it's a Forced Pairing because Dylan is mind controlling him'.
by MM132 March 4, 2019
A Bizarre form of anti-religion between Atheism and being absolutely bat-shit insane, mainly obsessed with trying to prove that the illuminati exists even though they don't know it doesn't exist any longer, and also believes that the world was supposed to end on December 2012. Most of these people are either trolls or just people who don't know any better. Most likely both, such as the case of people like certain forum members. They often use demon related codenames or usernames online. Mainly to troll others on religion based forums and for nothing worse. Emotionless psychopaths with no lives of their own.
by MM132 June 27, 2014