1072 definitions by MATT

to have haw7 internet secks with pplz online. must be used with the 0 as the "o" in it otherwise you are not 1337 and j00 are teh n00bz.
omfg i want to pr0nulate you in t3h arse.

ex 2.

would you leik to pr0nulate
by MATT November 15, 2004
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Liberally apply peanut butter to your dick and call over the family dog. Lick Fido lick! Good Dog. Arf!

Also reffered to as the skippy
by MATT March 28, 2005
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An orgy had by a female named Morgen,
Morgasm, whore, easy, cant stop having sex
by MATT August 24, 2004
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enough said if you need an example go find the geekiest group of people. They are also known as D&D players.
by MATT September 8, 2003
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one of those retarded rolling backpacks on wheels. Stupid kids in elementary school ues em a lot
Damn, look at that kid with the retard roller!He looks like a fag!
by MATT March 29, 2005
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