919 definitions by Light Joker

very bleary eyes, as seen on someone who is suffering from a hangover
Man, you have eyes like pissholes in the snow. Are you ill?
by Light Joker November 16, 2006
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intact, unharmed, unscathed
How did you manage to come out of the crash in one piece?
by Light Joker November 26, 2005
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I paid 20 grand for that truck and now it's ruined.
by Light Joker March 10, 2005
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1. diamonds, jewels

2. cocaine

3. methamphetamine

4. to kill someone
Forget the ice, it's not important. We can do without jewlery for now.
by Light Joker February 28, 2007
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A place in Northern Ireland(a territory of the U.K.)Where may dad got a job.
Dad sent me a T-shirt that says Belfast,Northern Ireland.
by Light Joker June 13, 2004
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the declining industrial areas of the northwest
Many factories in the rust belt cities had previously closed down due to temporary economic decline.
by Light Joker May 18, 2006
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