3 definitions by Leo of the Харків

Ultimate historian is the title for anyone who will be able to achieve the finale goal of all who study history:
ability to predict the future based on knowledge of the past.
finally! I did it! I became the Ultimate historian, now I know how to make my country great again!
by Leo of the Харків April 8, 2023
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A person who was thrown out of a window, or a person who's political power was taken away in an instant (or both). the word comes from the word "defenestration"
The defenestree has landed in a pile of garbage, and thus survived the act of defenestration
by Leo of the Харків September 12, 2023
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"snails" is the common name for non-existent ridiculous currencies from fiction books, movies and video-games.
this magic potion is so expensive! it costs 100 snails!
by Leo of the Харків April 8, 2023
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