4 definitions by Ldawg

The shortened name of the beer Hahn Super Dry. A popular beer in Australia, that is know for its drinkability and the lack of hangover caused even when tanked in large amounts.
Let's have a quiet carton of Soup tonight.

I could really go some serious Soup action when i get home the milk factory.
by Ldawg May 9, 2008
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Beefing someone but because they did something haram
Did you see Abdul drinking that alcoholic beverage??? He is totally in for a porking tonight by Allah!
by Ldawg September 10, 2017
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A colloquial term for describing a hangover as a result of tanking too much alcohol.
Terence has got such a bad gover today, he spewed out the front of our house.

I'm so govered after drinking pints of vermouth last night.
by Ldawg May 9, 2008
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derogatory term usually used towards white trash sluts
Yo bitch, your a cumguzzlinggutterslut
by Ldawg December 10, 2004
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