15 definitions by Laird

the usual, something/one which is indistinguishable from a group that is used to describe it/them.
My little brother is your garden variety brat.
by Laird December 9, 2003
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A gay guy having a really gross Blooday wet fart after intercourse with another gay guy
by Laird April 7, 2005
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a company started in Delaware by a French dude named DuPont (what a surprise). today, it's an international company that sells chemicals and shit.
My dad was laid off from DuPont Pharmacutical when Britol bought it up.
by Laird December 9, 2003
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Man, that 'ho knows how to give a pole polishing!
by Laird December 8, 2003
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radio company that has near-total control of the radio airwaves in America. broadcasts the same old shit 24/7. see also monopoly.
You're listening to Clear Channel radio!!!!
by Laird December 8, 2003
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1. when you go here, it means you're giving up something all at once

2. the dumbest barnyard animal when put in the fridge

3. a jive sucka who forgot his jacket
1. I wish I could go cold turkey, I visit urbandictionary.com WAY too much.

2. Hey, you got any cold turkey from Thanksgiving left?

3. Man, look at that cold turkey! He done forgot his jacket, dawg!
by Laird December 9, 2003
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someone whom you should thank God (or Allah) for his recall.
Ahnold doesn't know shit about politics, but at least he won't fuck us up the ass like Gray Davis.
by Laird December 9, 2003
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