9 definitions by Laff

When you combine LUNCH and SEX into the same event.
The girl I am seeing want's to meet me during my meal break for some Funch.
by Laff April 23, 2004
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The art form of performing oral sex.
Due to the fact that she gagged and didn't swallow, her oral art requires vast improvement.
by Laff July 24, 2005
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the natrual act a female demonstrates when placed in a sexual situation where she is expected to perform
I got her in the car after a few shots of vodka and she went down on me like a fish to water.
by Laff January 8, 2004
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Someone who uses their pic as if fishing by trailing a line, as from a moving boat but in Internet chat rooms day and night until they nab a catch.
Because she's been trading pictures and making plans to meet people, AquaLili is the biggest troller in here.
by Laff April 22, 2004
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The act of meeting somone and engaging in sexual intercourse within the same night.
I met her at the party and before I knew it I was closing the deal in the coat room.
by Laff January 7, 2004
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Eating an ass from behind and having your face pressed so far into it that you have to use your nose to breathe.
She likes when I snorkle her to get her primed for anal sex.
by Laff October 15, 2004
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The coyote is one of the only animals that will chew off its own arm to get out of a trap. A human having coyote arm means that he or she is almost willing to chew off their own arm to prevent waking up the ugly mess they fell asleep next to where the mess may be lying on their arm.
Mike had a serious case of coyote arm after waking up next to that disgusting looking girl he got drunk with last night.
by Laff January 8, 2004
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