After I left my boring date, I went to the strip bar and got myself into some slithery.
by LAFF July 24, 2005
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That feeling when you're ready for bed after hitting a heavy indica. You can almost feel your bed and blankets surrounding you before you get in.
"Bro im getting super slithery, I'm gunna crash"
by BIG DADDY MURPHY March 5, 2022
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Someone who is known to be nouns such as banwagons double crossers liers and Cheaters
Dude Kevin Durant is such a Slithery snake for going to golden state

Yo Doug told Amanda that I fucked Lisa he’s such a slithery snake
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A Slithery Snake is when a baby snake climbs up a mans urethra and then pisses it back out and the snake says "I'm a slithery little snake!"
by West Virginia Facts February 8, 2018
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Someone who walks away quickly before a door closes for the door to then be shut infront of someone's face. Similar to the motions of a salmon upstream.
Phil was a slithery salmon every day after science class and never cared to open the door.
by SnappleApple... July 9, 2024
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when you have a giant penis that isnt hard so it just flops around like a slithery snake
dude im getting fucked by a slithery snakey
by bennyboo7218 January 20, 2022
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