23 definitions by LMFMC FUCKER

An orgy in which you bury your face in the ass of other participants(like a ostrich buries it head in sand)
Dude i got invited to this ostrich orgy!
did you go?
no those things are sick!!
by LMFMC FUCKER June 9, 2009
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Someone who lacks a backbone or any intellegence, a tool is completely moronic, and useless!
Guy 1: Dude that chick is smoking!
Guy 2: I KNOW!!!
Guy 3: Man you tools need to get yourselves a lady!
by LMFMC FUCKER June 9, 2009
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When someone passes out, and you trim your pubes, and glue them onto that person's face giving them a pubestache
Dude we were at this party and we gave Ronnie a pubestache
by LMFMC FUCKER June 9, 2009
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A word to try to convince someone you are telling the truth!
Person 1: Dude i so screwed your mom last night!!
Person 2: no you didnt dont lie!!
Person 1: No dude i ACTUALLY did!
Person 2: Really?
Person 1: Actually!!
by LMFMC FUCKER June 6, 2009
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When someones pants are falling down and their ass crack is visable, they are then on or traveling down ass crack lane.
Guy 1: dude you can see that chicks crack!
Guy 2: Shes on a walk down ass crack lane!
by LMFMC FUCKER June 8, 2009
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When a jew runs, the bag of jew gold around his neck bounces(jumps)
by LMFMC FUCKER June 9, 2009
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When something is pro, awesome, prime!
Guy 1: dude did you see that new movie?
Guy 2: Yeah dude it was PRIME PICKLES!!!
by LMFMC FUCKER June 8, 2009
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