19 definitions by Klaatu's Nikto

1)An affectionate UK/Ire/Aus term for a roast potato, or

2)A slightly derogatory but humourous term referring to expansive female genitalia that causes near-catastrophic levels of cognitive dissonance in many empowered educated but hysterical female journalists and feminist bloggers, at once labelling it sad and pathetic but also threatening and dangerous, as they do with the general incel culture.

Poor lambs.
Man in English pub: I'll have a couple of lovely roasties to go with that, and some gra...
Feminist/Guardian/Jezebel ; RRRAAAPE!
by Klaatu's Nikto April 4, 2023
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What adults do when idiots use it as an adjective.
Idiot; That is so cringe!
Adult: *cringe*
by Klaatu's Nikto October 11, 2020
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Chimps, Elk, Weed, LA, Fitness, Paranormal, Gobekli Tepi, wolves and bears, MMA, Comedy, Black holes, quads, CIA, Trump, Epstein, DMT, the fucking pyramids. Jamie bringing it all up.
Abe; I listened to Joe Rogan talking about chimps on DMT.
Ed; I watched Joe Rogan talking about chimps on DMT while piloting reverse engineered alien craft. Jamie had to bring up an image.
Abe: I missed out on that.
Ed: You did.
by Klaatu's Nikto October 12, 2020
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A) synonym for Hipster

B) one who makes proclamations that to the lay-person may sound edgy, controversial, new, deep or thought-out, but to anyone with more detailed knowledge, will be instantly dismissed as a load of posturing bullshit.
One of their favoured fallacies when challenged on an absurdity is the courtier's reply - 'you just don't understand/aren't clever enough/aren't in the know'.

They lack social graces and wisdom, and are quick to jump on factual errors to make themselves feel better, as they pride intellectual prowess over good manners, kindness and humour which makes them tiresome company.
They do not believe in intellectual democracy for the betterment of others, but aristocracy to belittle others.

They will insist you read books, watch films and listen to music they've heard of but may not have read, seen or heard themselves, and enjoy dropping names of authors, directors, musicians and other artists that are avante-garde, cult or classical, even if they have no real exposure to their work, most likely having read about them in a paper, magazine or website aimed at the pretentious and po-faced. They are also vulnerable to being 'Sokal'd' in their desperation to look learned and superior.

Most tellingly, the pseudo-intellectual is prickly and insecure around those they might learn from, while a well-adjusted, moderately intelligent person is always keen to learn from those with greater insight and reading.
Pseud'; 'but of course, Ingmar Bergman's films are so camp'.
Sycophants; hahahaha!
Somebody who has seen a Bergman film; 'Utter shite! Name me one and describe how it is 'camp', or consider yourself a pseudo-intellectual'.
Pseud'; i don't have to explain my reasoning to you'.
by Klaatu's Nikto November 29, 2017
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Cheap TV shows designed to get vapid, talentless dimwits to embarrass themselves for the pleasure of terminally-stupid, obese unemployed people. The producers who make these shows are expensively educated and nominally intelligent London, NY or LA-based professional drug addicts who never bother watching their own product because they know it's junk, but have become so cynical they're content in propelling their medium into oblivion.
How can one tolerate 'scripted ' Reality TV?
by Klaatu's Nikto December 6, 2017
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An adjective invented by gormless business managers who think they're in a cutting-edge field but are basic bitches on modetate income with brat children.

Also used by Walter Mitty types who think they're 'captains of industry' but are telesales gimps who spend their lives watching The Apprentice.
Sales Gimp: I'm really loving this idea just now. Let's push the envelope and make it even more actionable. We're on a journey. Oo-rah!
Human; Good grief... it's a toaster.
by Klaatu's Nikto January 27, 2019
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Like Huffpost, but for demented children with profound cognitive impairment, or quirky girls who think they're feminists but talk about unicorns in baby voices, are vegan, have blue hair and suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.
Dippy girl: Hey, look at this article on Buzzfeed about cats being pumped for Taylor Swift's new album.
Dippy girl's carer: Have you taken your pills today?
by Klaatu's Nikto November 28, 2017
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