13 definitions by Kingcobrakenny
Latin? Term used to describe the "kiss of infamy" or "devil's kiss" originating from when it was believed that witches and warlocks and satanists attending a sabbat would bestow such a kiss upon a manifestation of Satan's anus
The editorship of certain newspapers requires the postion holder to obediently bestow the osculum infamme upon the owners/shareholders to ensure continued favouritism.
by Kingcobrakenny October 27, 2017
Basically it means someone who is inanely stupid , usually applied to the type of individual who is slow witted but unsuccessfully attempts to assume perceived intelligence and wit by making grossly inane,exagerated , and ludicrously inaccurate comments.
The hostile reaction of the press to people who choose not to observe national anthems reveals that far from being educational and informative they arevperceived as a bunch of domeless wonderboys.
by Kingcobrakenny November 24, 2017
E.g. Eric Clapton song "hand jive" the lyrics "doing the hand jive with uncle willie" meaning that the individual described was indulging in masturbation.
by Kingcobrakenny October 27, 2017
E.g. Eric Clapton song "hand jive" the lyrics "doing the hand jive with uncle willie" meaning that the individual described was indulging in masturbation.
by Kingcobrakenny October 27, 2017
by Kingcobrakenny November 23, 2017
A extension of the original KMA which i used many years ago, THIS abbreviation means FRENCH KISS MY ASS(or arse in proper English) i have claimed this as my creation so dont try hijacking it please. Its an altogether tongue in cheek(or between cheeks) intention.
The European Union has delivered its message in no uncertain terms to what it describes as devisive isolationist brexiteers, FKMA.
by Kingcobrakenny October 27, 2017
While the people of Aberdeen (Scotland), are generally well intentioned and friendly,anyone being threatening or otherwise overtly hostile,could be likely to find their hand/arm quickly grabbed and a forceful delivery of a knee to the groin area: the Aberdeen handshake.
The guy was shouting his mouth off and threatening people so he ended up getting an Aberdeen Handshake.
by Kingcobrakenny August 1, 2018