89 definitions by Kenthar

When put into a calculator and flipped upside down (kind of like 5318008), spells "hello"
Just your random useless fact of the day that you probably already know!
by Kenthar October 1, 2003
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Playing a sport while in midair.
"Bob and I did some ping-pong airplay while skydiving yesterday."
by Kenthar September 26, 2003
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Refers to someone that is stuck-up, or a snob. They must ALWAYS be the leader, and they are always a good leader. Ironically, they always have numerous faults, but never EVER admit to them.
Ryza from NationStates.net is holier-than-thou
by Kenthar July 24, 2003
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The foxdonut.

The MEC searches tirelessly for this mystical artifact, which is said to bestow its holder the voracious eating powers of vulpines.
"Var er rävmunken?"
"Where is the foxdonut?"
by Kenthar January 28, 2006
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One of the first, and weakest spells in Dungeons&Dragons and many an RPG
I wanna cast...Magic missile!
Why do you want to cast magic missile, there's nothing to attack here.
I...I'm attacking the darkness!
by Kenthar March 19, 2003
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A type of chocolate cake that usually has copious amounts of fudge included, making them richer and moister than ordinary cake.

A "special brownie" has no solid definition, but a hilarious connotation.
I like to eat brownies, they taste very good.

"Are those...Special brownies?"
"Yes. Yes they are. You want one?"
"Sure." *munches on it*
by Kenthar March 6, 2004
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A trick performed in a sport, such as skateboarding, moving along a cornered or thin surface in an unorthodox manner, usually without using the wheels.

Oddly, real-life skateboarders are impressive for grinding a few feet, while in most skateboarding video games, you can grind for half a mile without losing balance at all.
by Kenthar August 10, 2003
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