100 definitions by Ken

When abusing someone in the heat of the moment, you can't decide whether to call them a fag or a fuck. So you call them a fack.
Chopz: i hope hot chicks are provided as well as relivant materials. ie gloves
Ken: Gloves
Ken: WTF
by Ken June 13, 2004
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hoodlums running loose. Hardcore thug gang from churchie.
if you fuck with hrl they will not bash you
by Ken December 15, 2004
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To work the way a person or object is expected to.
I'm tellin' you Rufus, your ho is holding out on you. The bitch aint proper.
by Ken November 29, 2002
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1. Driving fast down the street.
2. Driving a car.
3. wippin and dippin
word created in california city of Oakland
We was smobbin to that breezzy/Girls crib.
by Ken January 1, 2004
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exclamatory: a feeling of euphoria or elation.
Like eureka! or Booyah!
by Ken January 24, 2006
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Synonym for "dog".
That is one cute guggie you have there.
by Ken December 25, 2003
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