19 definitions by Keegster

A song written by the not-so-popular and not-so-well-known band They Might Be Giants.
I returned a bag of groceries accidentally taken off the shelf before the expiration date.

I came back as a bag of groceries accidentally taken off the shelf before the date stamped on myself.

Did a large procession wave their tortches as my head fell in the basket?
And was everybody dancing on the casket?

Now it's over, I'm dead and I haven't done anything that I want OR I'm still alive and there's nothing I want to do.
by Keegster April 25, 2003
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A very funny Brittish comedy team consisting of Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry gilliam, and Graham Chapman.
Monty Python is the World's Finest Comedy Team.*

*(Highly Questionable)
by Keegster April 24, 2003
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A place that exists for the single purpose of hosting a birdhouse for the blue canary in the outlet by the light switch to live in. Also, the part of your body that lives on after you die.
by Keegster April 25, 2003
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Absolutely, beyond a doubt, no questions asked, the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME EVER CREATED ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH! Anyone who hates Zelda sucks at life completely.
Have you played the new Zelda yet? It ROCKS!
by Keegster April 24, 2003
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Short name for Knights of Darkness.
(Pronounced Kay oh Dee)
by Keegster April 24, 2003
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