173 definitions by Kate

a son of God, made a little lower than angels
behold, limuel
by Kate December 23, 2003
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insult or random phrase that can be thrown into a conversation at any time. popularized by little known, but now famous at Wakefield, Adam Faigan.
Kate: Hey Adam, pass me that stapler, will you?

Adam: Your Mom's a stapler! *snickers*
~no one laughs as he looks around~
You All Hate me. you're all mean to me *pretends to cry*

Kate: Shut up Adam
by Kate May 16, 2004
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A word invented by a rather delusional Peter Andre suggesting he's just craaazeee underneath it all (Which I doubt)
That Peter...he's just Insaaania (No, really)
by Kate March 1, 2004
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A snatch burb or sneeze that is caused by penetration of anything, including a douche, emitting air causing the snatch to expand and yawn and emit an amount of air.
Anne the dwarf, was FUCKING her husband Smurf, she was orgasimic all night long and let out a quief during the orgasims
by Kate April 10, 2004
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bummer; a response to something bad that happened.
You have a lot of homework too? Bum job!
by Kate September 14, 2003
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the hot young gundam piolot from gundam wing (anime) who poilots the Death Syche hell Custom...also known as the Shinigami (god of Death)
"my Mommy told me that real men don't cry"
"Well EXCUSE me for being a mere mortal"
by Kate October 3, 2003
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A carbonated, blackcherry flavored, energy drink with the maximum amount of caffeine allowed by law.
I drank excessive amounts of vamp today, and Maria is worried I'm going to start having convulsions.
by Kate July 23, 2004
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