10 definitions by Kacchan_420_277

A person with a dick that won’t go erect.
Boy #1: So how was he?
Boy #2: Horrible. He was a total Flopdoodle.
by Kacchan_420_277 January 2, 2020
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Something that Loki Laufeyson is burdened with.
I am burdened with glorious purpose.”

-Loki Laufeyson of Asgard
by Kacchan_420_277 January 2, 2020
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Better than Twilight in every way or form possible.
Harry Potter is better than Twilight. It is nether opinion nor fiction, it is simply a fact.
by Kacchan_420_277 January 2, 2020
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The God of Mischief. Rightful King of Jotunheim. From and born on Jotunheim, home of the Frost Giants. Raised on Asgard as the prince and only learning his true identity (as a Frost Giant) when he comes in contact with the Tesseract. He originally has blue colored skin with markings and dark red eyes but as a baby he changed his appearance to look like an Asgardian: caucasian skin with blue eyes (and no is eyes are not green as people like to say, when watching the movies he’s in in HD you’ll see that in all of them he has blue eyes). But he always has black slicked back hair that soon grows to shoulder length.
Loki Laufeyson is the hottest MCU character.
by Kacchan_420_277 January 2, 2020
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Ok, let me get this straight, it’s a number that symbolizes a woman sucking a guys dick while that guy is also eating her pussy. Usually when a woman lays on top of the man with her face facing his dick and her pussy near his face.
They did the goodole 69.
by Kacchan_420_277 January 2, 2020
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