6 definitions by KB Ryan

How the locals refer to Washington University in St. Louis, the #11 national research university in the country in the opinion of US News and World Report.
Man, we were smokin' it up down on the South 40 at Wash. U. last night.
by KB Ryan December 25, 2004
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St. Louis University High School. A Jesuit college preparatory high school for men founded in 1818. Home of the coolest mascot ever: the Junior Billiken (Jr. Bills).
How many SLUH students does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One--he holds the bulb in his hands and the world revolves around him.
by KB Ryan December 31, 2005
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Short for Coffee Cartel, where all the chill STL kids hang out.
Depending on whom you ask, it's also the #1 gay hook-up spot in town.
by KB Ryan December 16, 2004
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(n.) a men's Oxford Shirt (usually blue) with a white collar and cuffs. Frequently worn by former congressman Gary Condit (D-CA).
"James is such a cool guy--if only he weren't wearing a Gary Condit."
by KB Ryan November 15, 2004
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Claire, Joe, Dan and I all went to see John Kerry speak at FoPoCoCo last night.
by KB Ryan January 7, 2005
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Short for Villa Duchesne, a cloistered Catholic girls school tucked away in a St. Louis County forest. Students are often referred to as Villa girls; at times this has a negative connontation.
Personally I've always thought that Villa's trademark towers look a lot like those pointy boobs Madonna wore in the early 90s.
How many Villa girls does it take to tap a keg?
Three--one to lose the directions for the keg, one to lose senior room privileges for the entire class, and one to break the tap.
by KB Ryan December 31, 2005
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