19 definitions by JohnMakFan

Hanson wrote refuse into confused in his homework, but he was confused when he typed refuse, and he typed confused instead. Now we're more confused than him.
My friend wanted a piece of paper to draw on, in exchange he would give me 3 dollars but l confused him.

Student A: Should be refuse

by JohnMakFan January 11, 2021
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This is the sequence when Br Jude tells you to open your school bag and take out a piece of paper for 30 times.
Br Jude: What's your name?

Jason: Jason.

Br Jude: Oh...Jason a...

Br Jude: Open your school bag,

Br Jude: Take out a piece of paper,

Br Jude: 30 times.

(Br Jude sequence)
by JohnMakFan December 1, 2020
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Br Jude is the nicest teacher in LSC. Ever. According to Jasper, Br Jude doesn't speak in the lessons. Or more precisely, he talks in a way so advanced that we normal people can't understand. He found a way to solve this problem. In his lessons, he gives us videos to watch and tells us to self learn, when we can't understand the questions, he doesn't care. In the exams, we get low marks, he still doesn't care. We love this teacher so much!

(Br stands for Brother)
Br Jude lesson he gives out the test paper.

Br Jude: (calls our student numbers) Number thrie!

Number three goes out to get the test paper.

Br Jude: Number Dee!

All studnets: ???
by JohnMakFan December 1, 2020
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KingKong is big-ass, ginormous, colossal, gigantic, tremendously, humongous, massive, monstrous, tremendous, immeasurable, gargantuan.

Student A: KingKong is big-ass, ginormous, colossal, gigantic, tremendously, gargantuan, humongous, massive

Simon Lo: SHUT THE FUGE UP! KingKong is an infinitesimal microscopic undeveloped young lil boi

Simon Lo: and i'm gonna give all my books to him

Jasper: Oh shi...
by JohnMakFan April 26, 2021
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This is a word used by Mr John Mak in lsc. He say it when he is confused.
Student A did not write his name on a worksheet.

Mak: Mr Who Are You where are you arr?
by JohnMakFan November 11, 2020
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Donkey rickrolled some teachers in LSC this week

He's a legend
As expected no one except for Simon Lo knew the term rickrolling

Student A: Did he rickroll 8745 and 8746


by JohnMakFan May 5, 2021
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Looks like another gang war's stirring

Gonna sit back and relax

F.1 united beware

------Gang War Posts #1------
by JohnMakFan February 3, 2022
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