19 definitions by JohnMakFan

Hanson wrote refuse into confused in his homework, but he was confused when he typed refuse, and he typed confused instead. Now we're more confused than him.
My friend wanted a piece of paper to draw on, in exchange he would give me 3 dollars but l confused him.

Student A: Should be refuse

by JohnMakFan January 11, 2021
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NO! is a word used by John Mak in LSC. NO! has no meaning.

When students do something wrong, he doesn't know what to say and gets confused, he says NO!
Student A does a maths question wrong.

Mak: NO!

Student B is doing a maths question, he stops to think because he doesn't know how to do it.

Mak: NO!
Student C: ????
by JohnMakFan November 11, 2020
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student A: *drop books on table ) I am simon lo
Simon Lo: *drop books on table ) What did u just say!?!?!?!?!?
student B: gotta get out of here
by JohnMakFan November 12, 2020
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This is a word used by Simon Lo in LSC. When a student doesn't hand in homework, he tells them to copy others' homework. If they don't listen, he will ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿ‘C them. ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿ‘C is murdering in chinese.
Student P: I forgot to hand in my homework.
Simon Lo: COPY OTHERS!!!
Student P: *doesn't care
After a while
Simon Lo: You don't do anything?!? ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿ‘C!!
by JohnMakFan November 12, 2020
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WTF is often mistaken as a swear word (what the f***). But it's real meaning is well, that's fantastic.
Student A: 8745 got kicked out of school.

Student B: W,TF!

Student A: Don't swear.

Student B: No I didn't. I said Well, That's Fantastic!
by JohnMakFan January 12, 2021
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Crystal Wu is a teacher at LSC. She is also called 'The Raper'.
Student A: Hey what lesson-

Student B: Raper Crystal Wu

Student A: Go stack your books
by JohnMakFan March 14, 2021
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KingKong is big-ass, ginormous, colossal, gigantic, tremendously, humongous, massive, monstrous, tremendous, immeasurable, gargantuan.

Student A: KingKong is big-ass, ginormous, colossal, gigantic, tremendously, gargantuan, humongous, massive

Simon Lo: SHUT THE FUGE UP! KingKong is an infinitesimal microscopic undeveloped young lil boi

Simon Lo: and i'm gonna give all my books to him

Jasper: Oh shi...
by JohnMakFan April 26, 2021
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