22 definitions by John Heinz Kerry

Another reason to kill a random stranger - his or her desire to turn himself into a pseudo-African tribesman.
Dude, the tunneler would be cute except for those earlobes you cold jam a baseball through. Oh, and her 67 tatoos and 14 other piercings. I wonder if she works at (insert loser job here).
by John Heinz Kerry April 19, 2005
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(1) Big, fat, greasy, bloated, 12-sandwich-eatin', gelatin-assed slob that had a bullet do what cholesterol would have done a few months later anyway.

(2) Tupac's failed body armor.

(3) Poetic justice - killed by the gansta rappers he tried to glorify with his shitty music.
Here, Biggie, have your fifth Big Mac while I go and see who is about to give us a drive-by.
by John Heinz Kerry January 18, 2005
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Makeup put on by a guy taking his first steps toward becoming a tranny.
Only the most FLAAAAAAAAAAMING homosexual would wear guyliner.
by John Heinz Kerry November 19, 2005
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the sound a turd makes when it hits the water of the crapper.
Bob went for the courtesy flush after hearing the sporch, in order to avoid having to take the walk of shame.
by John Heinz Kerry November 12, 2004
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A pussy cover worn by Scottish "men." Reminds men who do not wear dresses why Scotland has never been a factor in any war since about 500 b.c.
Hey sweetie, when you're done ironing your kilt, bring your ass over here and play my bagpipe.
by John Heinz Kerry February 16, 2005
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the Down's Syndromed, public-school-dropout morons who put definitions on urbandictionary and flaunt their stupidity by:

(1) misspelling or misabbreviating a word;
(2) using the wrong word ("there" instead of "their"); or
(3) having no fucking idea how to use an apostrophe.
Hey Allison, don't you hate it when those urbtards type "gr8" instead of "great"? How much fucking work is it to type 2 extra letters?
by John Heinz Kerry November 10, 2004
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A person who drops all sense of public decency, consideration, and politeness, or pretends that nothing else is going on around him, because he is stuck in his own little world listening to his digital music player.
Ted Kennedy (with his enormous head) was annoyed at the iCock who stood in front of the door of the bus and would not let Ted by because he was listening to the Black Eyed Penises. The iCock would be sorry if Ted was driving the bus and they passed a lake.
by John Heinz Kerry October 6, 2005
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