5 definitions by Jog DMC

1. a pro-wrestling move in which you grab the back of the opponents neck under you arm and fall backwards, smashing his head into the ground
2. some chemical found in cigarettes and pesticides
1. I sure do like to DDT my little brother.

2. If you are a pest, don't smoke because cigarettes have DDT in them.
by Jog DMC December 8, 2003
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a game in which you run around like a fucking retard
by Jog DMC December 8, 2003
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That team last night really sucked. They just plain sucked. I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest buncha sucks that ever sucked.
by Jog DMC December 8, 2003
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1. a philosopher who had a very grim view of human nature. advocated a totalitarian state. author of Leviathan.

2. a stuffed tiger character from the greatest comic ever created, Calvin and Hobbes (whom my cat is named after).
1. Hobbes believed that in a natural state life would be "nasty, brutish, and short."

2. Hobbes likes to pounce on Calvin when he comes home.
by Jog DMC December 8, 2003
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something all the drivers who travel at a speed of 20 MPH like to drive in, effectivly impeding the travel of people who know how to drive
Some stupid fuck is doing 20 fucking MPH in the fucking left lane!!! Jimmy, open the fucking glovebox...
by Jog DMC December 8, 2003
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