24 definitions by Jay Clarkson

An extreme fit of anger or spazticness.
Normaly flailing of arms and screaming obsenities and people.
Dont Have A Fucking Shit Fit.
He Only Gone And Had A Shit Fit.
I only wiped shit in his ear when he was sleeping no need to take a shit fit
by Jay Clarkson December 26, 2005
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When you slit your wrists down your arm intending to do serious damage not likely to survive

See across the street
I'm so pissed of I'm in a down the road kind of mood
by Jay Clarkson June 6, 2005
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A term used when calling some either homosexual, Useless (Due to things such as forgetting to bring a camera out, not charging batterys, regular shenanagans that cause quite a kafuffle), Albino, Rich, Greasy Or Someone Who Constantly Eats Fast Food.
Hey Yiam You Say You Dont Eat Fast Food, Well What Did You Have Yesterday
Well I Had KFC
And The Day Before Yiam
Well Burger King But It Didnt Count Cos I Only Had 2 Supersize Meals *Greas Drips Of Pickaxe of a chin*
by Jay Clarkson January 1, 2005
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1. What you say when something bad happens to you but dont let it bother you
2. What you say when something bad happens to someone telling them dont let it bother you

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da Life goes on bra!
Guy 1 - Shit I lost a fiver
Guy 2 - Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da Life goes on bra!
Guy - I suppose
by Jay Clarkson August 6, 2005
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A form of shabbat But you strap a razorblade to your bell end and slap them on the neck slitting their throat and thus causing snuff by shabbat
How did she die?
Death by shabbat
You mean shasnuff!?!?!?!
by Jay Clarkson January 28, 2005
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Someone who eats ass aka A rimmer
Comes from using "beefy" as a description of a fart
Very good to fool people into admiting they rim people without knowing
Hey chris are you a beefeater
oh sure i love a bit of beef... hey what are you laughing at me for
by Jay Clarkson February 22, 2005
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To fall over when you have an erection and land penis first
Mark was running as fast as he can until he gonced on the floor
by Jay Clarkson April 9, 2005
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