10 definitions by Jason Vernon

1) MTV show which debuted on TV in 1992 and explores the lives of seven strangers as they live and work with each other in a different locale every season. As of March 2004 is in its fourteenth season, San Diego.
My man Jacquese is funny as hell on The Real World San Diego.
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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To be overly enthusiastic about something. Synonym of thirst
"Damn son you mad urst! Be easy, the pizza's gonna come soon! Damn!"
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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1. The act of taking one's own life.

2. A fun game which is played on a handball court. A group of people are further away from the wall, behind the person with the ball. The person in front throws the ball against the wall, while the others try to grab the ball to take over as thrower. If anyone drops the ball in an attempt to catch it, or if it hits your body in any way without you catching it, you have to run to the wall and say "Suicide" before someone throws the ball at you and hits you really hard. If you make a bitch move attempt to deflect the ball so that the other players couldn't get to it before running to the wall, you are punished with "boomps", in which you have to stand against the wall, stick your ass out, and get hit with the ball by every player on the court. The number of boomps and the rules of boomps vary from place to place.
DeSean: "Yo let's play suicide, son! Your ass still sore from when you knocked the ball away last time! Ha-ha!"

Louis: Fuck you!
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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A $50 bill. Named so because the face on the $50 bill is the 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant.
Courtesy of Nas' song "N.Y. State of Mind" on his debut album "Illmatic":

"Or either on the corner bettin' Grants with the Cee-Lo champs, laughing at baseheads, tryin' to sell some broken amps"
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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Fun ass game in which one person is "it" and counts to 10 while the other players run away. The person then chases them and tries to catch them and hold on to them and saying "Manhunt 1-2-3" three times. If you succeed in this, the person who you caught is now "it" with you and has to help you catch the other players. Game continues until everyone is caught. Also known as "Ringo" in some circles.
"Yo let's play manhunt! That shit was mad fun last time!"
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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Fun ass game in which one person hides a belt and asks a group of people to find it. The person who hid the belt can help the people find it easier by saying degrees of temperature(i.e. hot, warm, cold) as a metaphor to describe their proximity to the whereabouts of the belt. After the person finds it they yell "Hot peas and butter!" and the other participants have to run back to base before they get their ass whipped with the belt.
"I found it! Hot peas and butter! Ya better get back to base before I whip that ass!"
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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