15 definitions by Jarrod

a word i made up so people would stop saying "That is tight."
Man, that is WOoshwang
by Jarrod February 6, 2003
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to quit doing something because it is not enjoyable
I initially was not interested in social psych because the prof dropped the content like it was hot!
by Jarrod February 25, 2005
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A sex act with one female and 2 or more males. When cumming you shoot a phat load into each of her ears causing her to be unable to hear. And then kicking her leg so she has limp.
Nayan and Mini gave patels Ex a deaf pirate the other day. Then both got one eyed pirate by Patel after he found out
by Jarrod February 1, 2005
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A home gameing console put out by Sony. Presents a medicore game library which consists of overhyped shortlived games, usually with no multiplayer and poor graphics.
Playstation 2 is Inferrior to the Microcosoft XBOX and Nintendo Gamecube in every way.
by Jarrod May 17, 2005
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Any variety of products made by the company Puma.
Renee got some Pumas, and they are teh sex
by Jarrod January 7, 2004
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a new type off skiing in which an athlete slides rails, hits jumps and boosts the pipe.
Newschool is off the hizook
by Jarrod March 24, 2005
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