7 definitions by Jake1114


To remove somebody’s clout, especially clout provided to them from you.
My “girl” didn’t respond to my snaps, so I had to declout her so she’d be irrelevant.
by Jake1114 May 11, 2019
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woah woah woah

A phrase used by the love our life Peter Kavinsky. Used to describe confusion or alarm.
woah woah woah....Zara what did Kyla say?
by Jake1114 September 20, 2018
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let's play 8ball

A GamePigeon text message sent to another person during an awkward time.
-Hey, that boy wanted to kiss me yesterday. What should I do?

-Let's play 8ball
by Jake1114 October 29, 2018
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ya feel?

You say this to someone after you tell them anything. It provokes a response with a sense of empathy.
I want to get tacos in London...ya feel?
by Jake1114 September 20, 2018
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Something incredibly good - outstanding!
Those jerseys they wore were t'd af.
by Jake1114 September 24, 2020
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The Parthenon

The private parts of a girl from a Greek descent.
Jake: Hey Max, how was the Parthenon last night?

Max: A little small, but thanks for asking!
by Jake1114 November 16, 2018
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The act of being caught by a greater authority.
Why wasn't he at the party last night?

He got popped by his mom. She found nudes on his phone and now he's grounded.
by Jake1114 October 29, 2018
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