26 definitions by Jack324

The corner of your field of vision - comes from the phrase "peripheral vision"
"Whoa, check out that car crash! Well, maybe you shouldn't, since you're driving."
"No, I can see it out of my periphs."
by Jack324 October 26, 2007
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Abbreviation for King's Cross, Sydney, which is a red light district near Sydney's downtown area. While it is known for its strip clubs, streetwalkers and brothels, it is also home to many popular bars and nightclubs. The major landmark of King's Cross is a large, iconic neon Coca Cola sign that overlooks William St.

Walking through the Cross at night, most people are either completely fubared, or they're making transactions involving sex, drugs or kebabs.
"I was wandering through the X at 3AM last Friday, munted off my face, when some guy kept pestering me to go into his strip club. After I'd told him I wasn't interested for the 17th time, he asked if I wanted a kebab instead"
by Jack324 May 14, 2009
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A park you can't spend more than couple minutes in without being offered weed, which is usually just sticks, seeds and blades of grass.
"This weed is horrible! Where did you buy it, Washington Square Park?
by Jack324 September 27, 2007
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A variation of shucks. Used to express mild to moderate disappointment, but with a cute twist on it.
"Hey, Alexandra, I'm sorry but I can't come to your birthday party on Saturday."
"Really? Aww, shuckleberries."
by Jack324 January 14, 2009
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magic brownies. Gets its name from the T9 texting function. I tried texting my friend to tell him I had made some, but it came up as crownids.
"Yo, you wanna eat some crownids tonight?"
"What the fuck is a crownid?
by Jack324 May 23, 2007
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