393 definitions by JUSTIN

A hyundai manufactured automobile. A shark.
The tiburon bit sally while she was swimming on the cape. It caused serious injury
by JUSTIN December 16, 2004
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To consume an entire quantity of intoxicant in a sort time, by one's self.
Dude! Did you just see that? John just took a half-ounce to his dome!
by JUSTIN October 4, 2003
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The only quote from the Star Wars Prequels you can make an acronym with.
by JUSTIN August 9, 2018
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When a suspicious being is wandering about acting drunk and staring at you
yo man that sketchy drunk smells like bacon
by JUSTIN April 23, 2003
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one who munches the butt, anus, ass, or rectum enjoyably
hey buttmuch, stop munchin the butt
by JUSTIN July 21, 2003
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I Do Men Only
Sorry Mam,IDMO!
by JUSTIN October 16, 2003
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A movement in music that started in the late 60's with Black Sabbath. Metal is generally classified by a heavy sound and rebellious and/or angry lyrics. Most forms of metal require an incredible musical proficiency. If you don't believe that, pick up a guitar sometime and try to play "Raining Blood" by Slayer.

Metal is the antithesis of mainstream music. It is quite possibly the most technically demanding and misunderstood form of music there is.

Metal's image was severely damaged in the 80's, with poser bands like Poison and Whitesnake claiming to be metal, when they were nothing more than watered down rock. The damage to metal's image continues even to this day, with many people not in the know beliving metal to be men in glittery spandex and poodle hair prancing about on stage singing 'Talk Dirty To Me." If you want an idea of what Metal truly is, take a look and a listen at a band like Slayer.

Some people have the misconception that metal is incoherent and devoid of melody or talent. People who think this obviously haven't listened to Iron Maiden. Generally people with this attitude are morons who listen to U2, so their opinions really don't matter anyway.

And to the guy who said metal is 'like rock, only gay,' Shut up and listen to your Ricky Martin album, you fvcking toolbag.
"That's fucking METAL!!"
by JUSTIN April 4, 2005
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