13 definitions by JP408

The feeling you get after you've been drinking heavily for several days and suddenly stop.
After that bender last week I caught a case of the inexplicable sadness.
by JP408 June 7, 2007
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Fingering a girls ass and vagina at the same time.
Even though I'm older I still like making girls ride the lightning, it really takes me back to my youth
by JP408 June 7, 2007
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1. A mustache or less commonly the two or three day growth of pubic hair after shaving
1. Look at the fuzz bumper on that asshole
by JP408 June 7, 2007
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A state of extreme drunkeness derived from the native american propensity to be a drunkard.
I was drunker than a red indian last night
by JP408 June 7, 2007
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The last half inch thrust during doggy style sex. This involves thrusting forcefully with your pelvis and perching up on your toes in order to look like a crowing rooster. It occurs right before ejaculation or to fuck a gay man straight.
I was about to bust so I gave her the rooster.
by JP408 June 7, 2007
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The seamless removal of a condom mid coitus. It involves a smooth thrusting motion during sex. During this motion the condom is removed and thrown to the corner of the room. The removal must be seemless to avoid detection.
She made me wear a condom so I had to pull the old thrust and throw on her.
by JP408 June 6, 2007
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To lick ones finger and touch a persons asshole in an inappropriate situation such as in a bar, church or resturaunt. To perform a proper stove piping the person must be a stranger. The name refers to the surprised yell of the victim.
I gave that broad a real stove piping last night
by JP408 June 7, 2007
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