320 definitions by JACK

n:Homestar runner's girlfriend.
likes to sing, loves animals, hates meat.
"what should I get Marzipan for her birthday?"
by JACK November 26, 2003
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Much like a sweet tooth craves sweets, the ranch tooth craves Wendy's ranch chicken sandwiches. However this makes social situations awkward, as the foot-tall, hatted tooth is prone to shout out "RANCH!" in any situation.
Just tell your stupid ranch tooth to shut up!
by JACK August 13, 2005
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A band consisting of future members of Coheed and Cambria(Mic Todd and Claudio Sanchez).
"Hey, I'm an idiot I think it's spelled Shabootie!"
"Nah man.. it's S-H-A-B-U-T-I-E.."


"Isn't Shabutie that old Coheed band?!"
"No, it is not."
by JACK February 12, 2005
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Invented by Australians. A group of individuals (usually male) stand in a cricle and masturbate. Sometimes, the first to ejaculate is declared "the winner."
"Jeff won the circle jerk competition, with Fred in close second"
by JACK August 17, 2004
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a word to characterize New England's spontaneous and harsh weather; a fierce snowfall that hits hard and doesn't last a particularly long amount of time
Six inches of snow in 10 minutes... that was quite a northeaster!
by JACK January 3, 2004
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Spoonerism for "Fuck the White Sox." Used mostly by the Sox's cross-town rivals, the Chicago Cubs.
Man, Cubs games are the best. Suck the White Fox.
by JACK August 5, 2006
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