by TheNuke January 30, 2003
A band that started in the early 80's that possess, and probably created, several of the compulsory characteristics for playing metal. E.G. - long hair, skull paraphenalia, tight jeans (preferably ripped), at least two albums with 8 (minimum) or 9 (maximum)tracks but still under 50 minutes long.
by oblivion cunt October 14, 2003
1. Unit of measurement equal to the death of one million people by nuclear explosion.
2. The world's state of the art speed metal band.
2. The world's state of the art speed metal band.
by Jim April 21, 2003
thrash, speed metal. recently released the system has failed. classic albums like countdown to extinction, peace sells, and cryptic writings, etc.
by anonymous May 2, 2005
by Returner April 16, 2004
1. Measure of damage in a nuclear explosion, i.e. 1 million deaths. Spelt megadeath.
2. Metal band formed by Dave Mustaine after kicked out of Metallica. Metallica did good without him, and just as well he got kicked out, cos now we have two seriously cool bands instead of one, even if Megadeth kicks more ass than Metallica.
2. Metal band formed by Dave Mustaine after kicked out of Metallica. Metallica did good without him, and just as well he got kicked out, cos now we have two seriously cool bands instead of one, even if Megadeth kicks more ass than Metallica.
by metal up your ass! May 5, 2005
Amazing band with a shitload of amazing albums, formed after Dave Mustaine was kicked from Metallica for being a jerk.
n00bs to thrash metal tend to only listen to Metallica and criticize great bands like Megadeth without giving them a chance, while completely ignoring other bands like Testament, Exodus, and Kreator.
by Mephysto July 3, 2009