185 definitions by Ian Chode

A lady who accepts deliveries via the tradesman's entrance.
She's a real poop chute princess.
by Ian Chode April 4, 2003
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Humourous word meaning "hypnotism".
I underwent hypnostification.
by Ian Chode February 14, 2004
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A homosexual who is loud and proud with relation to his sexual orientation and actions. He proclaims his gayness to all who will listen.
BAF: "Hi, I'm gay, and my name's Dave. Oooh"
ME: You, sir, are a born-again faggot.
BAF: "Oooh, scratch your eyes out!"
by Ian Chode October 23, 2003
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A person who writes on wikipedia a lot.
He is a complete wikipaedophile.
by Ian Chode June 12, 2006
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A salutation of recognition from the UK, often shouted, sometimes in an ironic manner.
by Ian Chode September 14, 2003
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A business buzzword meaning to give somebody a summary or progress report on the current situation.
Mainly used by idiots who want to be something they're not, ie successful businessmen.
Let me give you a heads-up on the current state of play.
by Ian Chode August 12, 2004
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