28 definitions by ILoveThom'sChickenDance

A PBS show that was worth watching when they had the pinball song and Teeny Little Super Guy. In the 80's the show was still filled with a lot of the trippy imagery left over from the 70's.
I used to eat cottage cheese and watch sesame street in my grandma's basement. Now I have friends.
by ILoveThom'sChickenDance December 1, 2003
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Two adolescent aged boys who were a rap duo in the early 90's. They were famous for wearing their clothes backwards and saying wiggety-wiggety-whack. Not to be confused with christopher cross, the guy who sang the theme to the movie arthur.
by ILoveThom'sChickenDance December 2, 2003
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What really irritates Mr. T.
Mr. T: Stop with all that jibber jabber and shine my gold chains.
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To run around the inside of a 24-hour superstore such as meijer wal-mart or target undetected and make your friends find you.
It's 1:30 in the morning. Quit playing yeti so we can buy a flank steak and some Mudd jeans.
by ILoveThom'sChickenDance December 1, 2003
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Jenni had a wonky eye, it was the source of all her self-esteem problems.
by ILoveThom'sChickenDance October 16, 2003
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The early 80's underwater equivalent to the smurfs. Just like the smurfs, most any word can be replaced with the word snork.
I think I saw that guy's snork hanging out of his gym shorts!
by ILoveThom'sChickenDance December 1, 2003
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