15 definitions by Human Peacocking

When someone high in status brags about having a surprisingly mundane, lowly, stigmatized, crass, or boring hobby. Hobby examples include gardening, cooking, video games, arts and crafts, or some other activity typically associated with common people.
There goes that famous movie star again Mundane Hobby Bragging about his weekend spent gardening
by Human Peacocking May 19, 2023
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To brag, highlight, or bring attention to something that is stigmatized, lowly, common, or otherwise commonly unworthy of popular status. Examples include bragging about failures, past trauma, illnessed, hardships, etc.
There goes that super rich politician stigma bragging about how hard his childhood was in order to get further attention & sympathy.
by Human Peacocking May 12, 2023
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Publicly highlighting or advertising aspects of one's own impending death that reflect favourably upon the person dying - Often done to get attention & status, or to demonstrate moral superiority over others.
John said he's arranging a green funeral so he can save the planet with his death, he's really going for that death clout
by Human Peacocking January 3, 2023
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To brag about the high amount of effort that one puts into an activity
To emphasize that you work harder than other people, sacrifice while others are consuming, and otherwise have put in more effort, likely leading to well deserved or earned success.
He wrote some hustle bragging post on linked-in about he only sleeps 3 hours a day and works the rest
by Human Peacocking April 19, 2023
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When someone highlights how long they have been doing something (years playing a sport, years working in a company, years living in a neighborhood, years sober, overall age, etc). This is type of brag or showing off, highlighting the speaker's status based on the amount of time they've been around
There goes Thomas tenure bragging again about how he's been sober longer than anyone else at the party!
by Human Peacocking May 13, 2023
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When someone brags about how long they've been doing something - It is generally an age/time related brag ("I've been doing this since you were in diapers!") but can also be the number of times they've done it ("this is my 15th time at burning man!"), etc.
We made it about 15 minutes into the neighborhood meeting before Tom started tenure bragging about how he's lived on that street the longest!
by Human Peacocking May 15, 2023
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Bragging that one voluntarily exercises self restraint in the face of temptation, or takes less than one can out of moral purity or other lofty sensibilities
Tom is virtue bragging about how he paid more for his new yacht because it has more efficient fuel use and doesn't pollute the environment as much.
by Human Peacocking June 6, 2023
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